Coffee stains can appear anywhere and at anytime. However, in most offices coffee is especially ubiquitous. This means that the chances that someone will eventually spill coffee directly on to a carpet, piece of upholstered furniture or elsewhere around the office are pretty good. But fear not. Coffee can be difficult to remove but it is not impossible to do so. By doing a little spot cleaning, you and your workers can take the impact out of such stains and keep your office clean and tidy for workers, clients and visitors.

Why Coffee Stains are so Hard to Remove

Coffee contains substances called “tannins”. These substances are difficult to remove once they are spilled on a carpet or other kind of fabric because they are a kind of natural vegetable dye. Moreover, tannins are often found in other kinds of drinks such as tea and fruit juices. To make matters worse, coffee also contain artificial coloring which can embed themselves into and almost become a part of clothing and other materials. Thus, it usually takes quick action if one wants to permanently remove a stain that has been caused by a substance containing tannins. Although it is best to call professionals to do this, office workers can spot clean a recent coffee stain to help make repairing the damage much easier.

Tips for Removing Coffee Stains from Carpetscoffee

As we said, quick action is the key to removing coffee stains from carpets and other surfaces around the office. The other is to use agents that will break down the tannins that are found in coffee and other beverages around the workplace. One method is to soak the stain in a solution of an oxidizing stain remover. Note: If the stain is very recent or is light in color – such as from tea – you may be able to largely remove it using plain, hot water. Another method you can use is to apply vinegar to the affected area. Vinegar is acidic and this acidity helps to break down the tannins in coffee, tea, juice and wine. From there, you should let the solution soak into the stain for about 10 minutes before attempting to blot it out with cool water. If the stain is very old or the damage to the carpet is extensive, you should contact a professional office cleaning company. Our company handles messes like this and also provides day porter services Riverside, CA as well as post construction cleaning in Riverside, CA.