by admin | Nov 19, 2019 | Clean Office, Uncategorized
One of the most time-honored ways to close the year out is to hold an office party. However, anyone who has ever worked in an office knows how much work it can take to clean up afterwards. That is why it is best to hire professionals to pick up after your holiday...
by admin | Mar 28, 2019 | Clean Office, Uncategorized
Coffee stains can appear anywhere and at anytime. However, in most offices coffee is especially ubiquitous. This means that the chances that someone will eventually spill coffee directly on to a carpet, piece of upholstered furniture or elsewhere around the office are...
by admin | Apr 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
Lets face it – No one likes to clean the restroom. It is one of the most germ-filled places in any home or office. However, it is precisely for this reason, and others, that making sure it is clean should be a top priority for your company. At Exec Services our...
by admin | Mar 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
On this blog we’ve often listed the many ways a clean office place helps keep your company efficient, and your employees happy, healthy and safe. We have talked about how visitors to your workplace appreciate a clean, sanitary environment. But what we have not talked...