Steps to Improve Office Air Quality

Steps to Improve Office Air Quality

With so many people in such a small space, dirt, dust and other debris can all conspire to make the air quality in your office as detrimental to your health and well being as the air quality outside your place of business. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it...
4 Benefits of Office Recycling Programs

4 Benefits of Office Recycling Programs

If you own a business and have not started an office recycling program then you are way behind the curve. Many, many companies are striving to be good corporate citizens by having a positive impact on the environment. Starting an office recycling program is just one...
Holiday Office Party Cleaning

Holiday Office Party Cleaning

What holiday would be complete without the traditional office party? Every year they bring millions of people together to celebrate the holidays and socialize with co-workers. Unfortunately, any time a large gathering of people come together to celebrate anything...
6 Things in Your Office that Are Dirtier than a Toilet

6 Things in Your Office that Are Dirtier than a Toilet

If you were to poll 100 people on what they believed was the dirtiest surface in any home or office nearly all would say the toilet. Well, nearly all would be wrong in this belief. There are many other surfaces, as we are about to reveal, that are just as if not more...
5 Ways to Protect Your Office from the Flu

5 Ways to Protect Your Office from the Flu

Flu season is just around the corner. This means millions of work days will be lost due to this irritating and occasionally deadly disease. Don’t wait until the first case appears to strategize how you will prevent its spread in the workplace. Practice these 5...
The Dirty Work of Post Construction Cleaning

The Dirty Work of Post Construction Cleaning

There is a lot of debris left in the wake of a construction project such as caulk, paint overspray, dust and silica particles, adhesives etc. At Exec Services, we make sure that your newly finished construction project – which may have solved a space issue at...